Compliance Plus, PLLC is now doing business as HR Solutions At Work


Workplaces across the country have changed dramatically over the last few years, whether related to new technologies or the advent of remote work. This new paradigm presents unique challenges for employers to engage and develop loyal, hard-working employees. Our multidisciplinary team of HR professionals will assess current company practices and help create and implement new systems that engage employees from the onboarding stage, as well as present opportunities for learning and development.

Look to us to assess your HR procedures and policies and make relevant, practical recommendations to maximize effectiveness, maintain compliance, and support employee engagement. Our team will review or create:

  • Employment policies
  • Onboarding documents and procedures
  • Workplace investigation guidelines and processes
  • Performance feedback and evaluation guidelines
  • Procedures for maintaining and accessing personnel records

We also conduct leadership and culture assessments, with the goal of improving team dynamics and enhancing employee engagement.


Because every situation presents unique facts, the information on this website and its blog is provided for general information and is not intended to be legal advice regarding any specific situation. This information may be considered advertising in some states.

Any links to third-party sites are for your convenience. HR Solutions At Work does not endorse specific sites or guarantee the accuracy of the information on those sites.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this site or our services.