Compliance Plus, PLLC is now doing business as HR Solutions At Work
HR Solutions At Work at the 2023 Waltham Chamber of Commerce Expo

HR Solutions At Work at the 2023 Waltham Chamber of Commerce Expo

November 20, 2023
The Waltham Chamber of Commerce logo for the 2023 Multi-Chamber Expo event.

HR Solutions At Work participated in the November 8, 2023 Multi-Chamber Expo run by the Waltham Chamber of Commerce. Nearly 100 vendors exhibited, representing a variety of local businesses that included restaurants, non-profit organizations, small family ventures, national banks, and more. The event had a huge turnout, with raffles, dance performances, free massages, and food samples from local restaurants, bakeries, and ice cream shops.

Representing HR Solutions At Work were (pictured above, left to right) Senior HR Consultant Jessica Toohey, Content and Communications Coordinator Jennifer London, and HR Administrator Merrilee Guarini. At our exhibitor booth, we answered questions about our company, gave out free pens and tote bags, and had a blast meeting the huge variety of companies interested in our services. We came away from the event energized and excited about attending more local events, learning about the wonderful businesses right in our backyard, and helping teams both large and small to find HR solutions to help their businesses grow.

A huge thank you to Waltham Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Molyna Richards for organizing the event and including us!


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