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Judy Kalisker on Diversity and Inclusion (Video)

Judy Kalisker on Diversity and Inclusion (Video)

January 30, 2024

In October 2020, Judy Kalisker was featured on the Channel Maven Consulting podcast focusing on diversity and inclusion in the workplace — issues that are just as relevant today as they were then. In the interview, Judy talks about how some conversations about social or political issues can create tension in the workplace. Among other things, she also discusses the distinction between diversity and inclusion on the one hand and discrimination and harassment on the other.

One point to remember when it comes to DEI training, Judy points out, is that “no one should be made to feel uncomfortable because of who they are.” And, importantly: your diversity and inclusion training should tie to your business goals, company culture, and policies.

Many employers and managers think they should know how to address potentially divisive issues in the workplace and handle important conversations, but these issues are complicated and involve not only the business decisions your organization’s leaders are trained and experienced in, but also legal and HR issues. That’s where we come in. We provide advice and HR solutions for employers, such as workplace training and investigations, that help employers navigate these tricky issues.  

If you have questions about this, or if you’d like to hear more about our advice, outsourced HR solutions, workplace trainings, or investigations, please send us a note and we’ll get in touch to discuss your needs.


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